What's New?

Tasks v1.4 May 2019

Tasks v1.4 introduces the following updates to Tasks:

  • Clinical write back to Vision - When creating a task you can now select from a predefined list of coded items, see Administrative Codes for a list of these codes.
  • User Interface - The screens, notifications and options available from Tasks have been updated to make them clearer, more intuitive and easier to use.
  • Selecting a Patient - When attaching a patient to either a task or an announcement, once you have found the patient, you can simply select them from the list to add them. To see their demographic information, select More Patient Info .

Tasks v1.3 - July 2018

Tasks v1.3 introduces the following updates to Tasks:

Tasks v1.2.4 - June 2018

Tasks v1.2.4 introduces the following updates to Tasks:

  • Outbox - On the off chance that the Tasks services become unavailable before a task can be sent, an Outbox has been introduced. Any task or announcement is held in the Outbox and then automatically sent once the Tasks services are restarted. See Troubleshooting for details.
  • Out of Office forwarding option removed - In preparation for the cross organisation feature due for release in Tasks v1.3, the forwarding option within Out of Office has been removed.

Tasks v1.2 - April 2018

Tasks v1.2 introduces the following updates to Tasks: